Home » Components for heating systems » Boiler drain cocks
Boiler drain cocks
Menu categories
Radiator valves
Manual valves and lockshields
Thermostatic and convertible valves
Thermostatic kit
Valves for designer radiators
Single and double pipe valves
Thermostatic heads
Radiator chronotermostats
Thermostats and chronothermostats
Wall cover
Accessories and spare parts
Manifolds and zone valves
Pre-assembled stainless steel manifolds
Set point mixing unit
Thermo electric actuators
Ball valves with thermometer
Anti condensation insulation for stainless steel manifolds
Linear manifolds
Monoblock distribution manifolds
Linear manifolds with valves
End parts for manifolds
Plugs and fittings for manifolds
Zone ball valves
Ball zone valves actuators
Spring zone valves with actuator
Boxes and brackets for manifolds
Adaptors and fittings
Copper pipe adaptors
Plastic and multilayer pipe adaptors
2 pieces fittings
3 pieces fittings
Threaded fittings
Components for heating systems
Manual and automatic air vents
By pass valves
Automatic filling units
Safety valves
Double function safety valves temperature and pressure
Safety valves for water heaters
Boiler safety units
Safety group for hot water storage heaters
Thermostatic mixing valves
Thermostatic diverting valve
Solar-storage boiler connection kit
Thermostatic anti-condensation valve
Anti-freeze valve
Shut-off cocks for expansion vessels
Dirt separators with magnet
Self-cleaning dirt separators with magnet for heat pumps
Polyphosphate dosers
Acid condensate neutralizers
Boiler protection kit
Safety thermostats
Manometers and thermomanometers
Pressure reducers, check valves and filters
Pressure reducers
Water hammer absorber
Check valves
Y Strainers
Self-cleaning filters
By-pass manifolds with valves
Water filter housings
Water filtration and treatments cartridges
Valves for water and gas
Ball valves
Ball valves with pipe union
Ball valves with swivel nut
Ball valves with swivel nut for gas
Pumps ball valves
Mini ball valves
Undersink valves and washing machine taps
Drain ball valves
DZR brass
Filter mesh